Dec 31, 2023
20 Awesome Happy New Year Wishes
Happy New Year Wishes Short heartwarming Happy New Year wishes and greetings that you can share with your friends, family, and co-workers. These messages are short, sweet, and perfect for card messages or text messages. Cheers to the New Year! May the New Year be an extraordinary ... -
May 24, 2023
Personality Checker
Personality Checker: The leaf below that you choose as your favourite leaf reveals your best personality. Each leaf is special and represents a different character / personality. Relax and observe the picture. Choose only the leaf that naturally appeals to you. Then scroll down to the results. ... -
Jun 21, 2022
More Than 20 Fuel Saving Tips on Petrol and Diesel
Here are more that 20 fuel saving tips from our World Solutions users: Tips on how to safe on Petrol and Diesel: 1. Fill your tank in the morning. 2. Even working one day a week from home is a way of saving petrol. 3. Rather stay closer to work, may it be that you move or ask for ...