Building Materials and associated products, 200

PostedMay 19, 2022
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Building Materials and associated products
May 19, 2022
Additional Information
Siyaghopat Trading Co. is the largest retailer of building materials and associated products, selling directly to cash-paying customers through its 319 (and growing) stores in South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Swaziland, Malawi and Zambia. Siyaghopat Trading Co which employs 6 238 people, comprises Siyaghopat Trading Co Limited and the operating subsidiaries registered in the above mentioned countries. It is a family owned and operated building material supplier. The goal is to understand your business and providing you with a customised solution that includes market related rates, service excellence and a proactive attitude exceeding your expectation. Our business is built on attention to detail, employing the best stuff. We have managed to cement our name and currently supply likes of Cashbuild, build it, African Timbers etc
Lowest prices guaranteed every day. If you find the same item cheaper and in stock somewhere, we will refund you the difference.
All our advertised lines are always in stock. If you find that any of our advertised lines are not in stock we will obtain it for you within 48 hours and reduce the advertised price by 20% (except bricks).
We have a dependable delivery service. Cashbuild brings quality building materials to the community.