BASIC ACTING Classes, 2,200

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Jun 06, 2022
Additional Information
<p>This course focuses directly on what directors look for in actors. It helps everybody; an amateur actor wanting to develop their skills OR an accomplished actor who wants to brush up on their skills. It teaches you the tools needed, which all international and local actors are required to use and know. It allows the student to learn about acting in a realistic way which is similar to everyday life &ndash; since acting is about portraying an everyday slice of life in a realistic and naturalistic manner. I offer a version of this course for kids too.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>Benefits: </u></strong></p> <ul> <li>An intense learning experience of new techniques in front of like-minded people.</li> <li>Total immersion in the craft of acting and going to auditions.</li> <li>On-camera training within the first few days.</li> <li>Personal strengths and weaknesses will be revealed for character development.</li> <li>A professional working atmosphere.</li> <li>You will become a better communicator and listener.</li> <li>Viewing a role from a different perspective by encouraging you to think outside the box.</li> </ul> <p><strong><u>Course Outline:</u></strong></p> <ul> <li>Use of voice - warming up your voice;</li> <li>How to go to a casting - Preparation for a casting; Translate preparation into an on camera performance; Handling the call back and meeting the client.</li> <li>Tools of acting - business; status levels, listing skills, acting vs. reacting,&nbsp;</li> <li>Character building - Different ways to approach characterization; Exercises aimed at physical and vocal transformation, including a detailed look at mannerisms, speech patterns, posture, gesture and clothing.</li> <li>Monologues/Duologues - How to analyze a scene using the following tools: Overall Objective; Scene Objective, Obstacles; Beats and Actions; Place and Fourth Wall; Inner Objects and Doings.</li> <li>Textual analysis - Modulation; Improvisation &ndash; Structured and Unstructured
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